Buggaloop is an Official Kids Classic Boardgame at Our House Now!

To say that my 7 year old has a bit of an obsession with robots would be quite the understatement!   So when we found out that there was a HexBug game out there that featured what he considered to be a real robot, we knew it would be a hit at our house.  Sure enough Ravensburger has done it again and created a new board game classic in our home!

Basically, the way the game works is that you are trying to get your pieces across a no man’s land before the little HexBug runs them over.  This is such a cute idea!  If the bug pushes them off their spot, they must start the course over.  This creates some very tense but incredibly fun moments throughout the course of the game.  More than once our gaming group was told to “keep it down,” because of all of the cheering and laughing that was happening.

We played this game with all six of my children at once (we had teams going).  I was surprised that not only did all of my kids love it from ages 7-15, but also that their 40 year old dad (myself) was just as enthralled.  What a delightful game!

And on a side note, I cannot tell you how fun it was to see everyone’s shocked face when they saw the robot bug defy gravity as he crawled through the clear tubes on either side of the board. 

In the end, this was just one heck of a fun and clever game that my family got a real kick out of.  Thanks again Ravensburger!
Get it here on Amazon!

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