Jeenyus School Invention #9: The Smell Right

We’ve all been there. Someone in the room has completely ruined the air quality. We have a gastronaut somewhere, and everyone claims it is the suspicious looking guy next to them. Now no one will ever point finger again with the Smell Right.

This lovely little invention sticks to your elbow and is easy to operate. You just push the button and say which body smell you would like to change, and what you would like it to smell like indefinitely. Burps now smell like orange blossoms, toots smell like roses, and sweat smells like fresh cinnamon buns.

Brilliant Little Bedtime Conversation Starters:

What do you think is the worst body smell?

What would you change all of your smells to?
#kidlitart #invention #boys #girls #children #picturebook #kids #creative #art #ink #drawing #illustration #draw #future #scifi #toys #parenting #bedtime #stories #gadgets #parents #illustrationoftheday #illustrator #drawingoftheday #artwork #artoftheday #burp #fart #toot #gas #smell #smelly

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